Monthly Archives: June 2022

terHorst, C.P. and M.A. Coffroth. 2022.

terHorst, C.P. and M.A. Coffroth. 2022. Individual variation in growth and physiology of symbionts in response to temperature. Ecology & Evolution 12:e9000 PDF

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Hoffbeck, C. and C.P. terHorst. 2022.

Hoffbeck, C. and C.P. terHorst. 2022. Trait differences between and within ranges of an invasive species. Biological Invasions PDF

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Pelosi, J., K.M. Eaton, S. Mychajliw, C.P. terHorst, and M.A. Coffroth. 2021.

Pelosi, J., K.M. Eaton, S. Mychajliw, C.P. terHorst, and M.A. Coffroth. 2021. Thermally tolerant symbionts may explain Caribbean octocoral resilience to heat stress. Coral Reefs 40:1113-1125 PDF

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Scott, Z. R. and C. P. terHorst. 2020.

Scott, Z. R. and C. P. terHorst. 2020. The effect of an invasive foundation species on diversity is due to increased habitat availability. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 528: 151384 PDF

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Lau, J.A. and C.P. terHorst, 2020.

Lau, J.A. and C.P. terHorst, 2020. Evolutionary responses to global change in species-rich communities. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1476: 43-58. PDF

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Scott, Z. R. and C. P. terHorst. 2019.

Scott, Z. R. and C. P. terHorst. 2019. The effect of an invasive bryozoan on community diversity and structure varies across two locations. Community Ecology 20: 258-265. PDF

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Bayliss, S. L. J., Scott, Z. R., Coffroth, M. A., and C. P. terHorst. 2019.

Bayliss, S. L. J., Scott, Z. R., Coffroth, M. A., and C. P. terHorst. 2019. Genetic variation in Breviolum antillogorgium, a coral reef symbiont, in response to temperature and nutrients. Ecology & Evolution 9: 2803-2813 PDF

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LaFleur, M. Reuter, K., and C. P. terHorst. 2019.

LaFleur, M. Reuter, K., and C. P. terHorst. 2019. Illegal trade of wild ring-tailed lemurs, an endangered species, within Madagascar. Folia Primatol DOI: 10.1159/000496970. PDF

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Canepa, J. A., terHorst, C. P. 2019.

Canepa, J. A., terHorst, C. P. 2019. Phenotypic variation across the range of the lined shore crab Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall, 1840 (Decapoda, Grapsiidae).Crustaceana 92:385-396. PDF

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Fleischer, S., terHorst, C. P., and J. Li. 2018.

Fleischer, S., terHorst, C. P., and J. Li. 2018. Pick your trade-offs wisely: Predator-prey eco-evo dynamics are qualitatively different under different trade-offs. Journal of Theoretical Biology 456: 201-212. PDF

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