Author Archives for Melissa Kurman

The Past, Present, and Future of the EPA

A quick reminder of why we need the Environmental Protection Agency now more than ever, and an explanation of why the public disagrees.

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From Kelp Babies to Kelp Forests

A story of lab success!

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The Versatile Ecologist

I spent most of the summer eagerly waiting for a piece of equipment (components of which we are still waiting on), and physically could not wait to start my thesis experiments. I probably wasn’t as prepared as I should have been when I was scuba diving with a friend for her project in the cold […]

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Microbes in Paradise (Round 2)

A recap of our trip to Mo’orea, French Polynesia!

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Using outreach as inspiration

              Several weeks ago, I, along with several other volunteers, assisted in Mrs. Shah’s 7th grade classroom at Portola Middle School.  If you remember back to Nickie’s blog post last month, we went to the same school to judge a science fair. As she mentioned, we realized the shocking […]

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How to Land Your Dream Job (Outside of Academia)

On December 2nd the CSUN Women in Science Club hosted the Biology Careers Outside of Academia Symposium. More than 50 undergraduates, graduates, and faculty members attended, and it’s safe to say that everyone in the audience benefitted from it (How could you not? There was free food and free career advice!) Our 12 speakers included: […]

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