Gloria Arellano
Master's Student
Contact Info:
gloria.arellano.777@my.csun.eduGloria graduated from the lab in Summer 2023, having studied the context-dependency of species interactions. Her thesis focused on interactions between a legume (Medicago polymorpha) and rhizobia bacteria in different nutrient regimes.

Richard Rachman
Master's Student
Contact Info:
richard.rachman.872@my.csun.eduRichard received his B.S. in Biology with emphasis in Ecology and Evolution and minor in GIS from Cal State Northridge, where he continues his masters research. He is studying post-wildfire plant community succession from the 2018 Woolsey fire in the Santa Monica Mountains. Invasive species, disturbance, distributions, and remotely sensed data are all things that he thinks about academically. Richard is the Los Angeles County Volunteer Coordinator for the Western Monarch Count with Xerces Society, and when he isn’t surveying monarchs, he’s advocating for native plants and posting on iNaturalist. Richard finished with his M.S. in 2022 and moved on to a PhD Program at Boise State!

Lily Khadempour
Post-doctoral Researcher
Contact Info:
lily.khadempour@csun.edu; Twitter @KhadLilyLily was a post-doc in the lab from 2018-2020. She examined how genetic variation and dispersal affect the evolution of protozoa in pitcher plants and how such evolution cascades down to affect the ecology of the bacterial community. She started a job as Assistant Professor at Rutgers in January 2021!

Carmen Hoffbeck
Master's Student
Contact Info:
carmen.hoffbeck.50@my.csun.eduCam started in the lab in Fall 2019 and graduated in 2022. She took off to do a Fulbright in New Zealand in 2020, which was sadly cut short by the pandemic. Her thesis focused on how plant-soil feedbacks affect invasive plant success, exploring this with both models and experiments. She is now in a PhD program at University of Aukland!

Leslie Rivas-Quijano
Undergraduate Researcher
Contact Info:
Leslie graduated from CSUN after working in the lab from 2017 to 2021. Though she started out helping out with other people's experiments, she transitioned into working on her own independent experiments. She ultimately published her work on how different bacterial morphotypes affect protozoa growth in the pitcher plant system.

Chelsea Brisson
Master's Student
Contact Info:
chelsea.brisson.423@my.csun.eduChelsea was a graduate student in the lab from 2018-2021. She graduated from Eastern Connecticut University, where she worked with CSUN alum, Josh Idjadi. She examined how bacteria affect the performance of different genotypes of Symbiodinium, an important algal symbiont on coral reefs. She is also interested in how bacteria affect the interactions between algal symbionts and their coral hosts. In her spare time, Chelsea is an avid hiker and fan of anything outdoors, having spent time before grad school hiking the entire Appalachian Trail. She is currently working as a teacher and outdoor educator in Colorado.

Jennica Moffat
Master's Student
Contact Info:
jennica.moffat.94@my.csun.eduJennica joined the lab in Fall 2018 and graduated in 2021. Her thesis looked at how different genotypes of symbionts affect the fitness and performance of a host cnidarian, Cassiopea. Previously, she was at UC Davis, where she did her Bachelor's degree and worked as a technician. After graduation, she spent a year as a California SeaGrant Fellow with the Adaptive Management unit of the Delta Stewardship Council.

Lissandra Gonzalez
Undergraduate Researcher
Contact Info:
Lissandra worked in the lab in 2019, primarily on the Symbiodinium project.
Roksana Zare
Undergraduate Researcher
Contact Info:
Roksana worked in the lab from 2019-2021 and will be soon be finishing up her degree at CSUN!

Catalina Cuellar-Gempeler
Post-doctoral Researcher
Contact Info:
Catalina joined the lab in summer 2016, having graduated from Mathew Leibold's lab at Univ. Texas, Austin. She was a shared post-doc with Tom Miller, but is primarily based at Florida State University. She is studying the community ecology of the microbial inquiline communities of pitcher plants. Catalina began her position as Assistant Professor at Humboldt State starting in Fall 2018!

Angela Vela
Undergraduate Researcher
Contact Info:
After working in the lab for two years, Angela started graduate school in Yoshie Hanzawa's lab in Fall 2018!

Emily Chea
Undergraduate Researcher
Contact Info:
Emily started working in the lab in Summer 2018 and examined trait variation in Symbiodinium.

Jamie Canepa
Master's Student
Contact Info:
Jamie graduated from Pomona College and joined the lab in 2015. He studied phenotypic differences in claw color among populations of shore crabs (Pachycrapsus crassipes) along both the western and eastern shores of the Pacific Ocean. He graduated with his M.S. in 2017 and moved on to pursue his MFA in Creative Writing at University of British Columbia.

Peter Zee
Post-doctoral Researcher
Contact Info:
peter.zee@csun.eduAs a post-doc, Peter worked to understand the consequences of trait evolution in ecological communities, collaboratively with the terHorst lab and Sebastian Schreiber (UC Davis). He has broad interests across community ecology and evolutionary biology, with a particular interest in interactions at community, social, and genetic levels. Before arriving at CSUN, Peter was a postdoc with Tad Fukami at Stanford and a PhD student at Indiana University with Jim Bever and Greg Velicer. Peter is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Mississippi.

Melissa Kurman
Master's Student
Contact Info:
melissa.kurman.819@my.csun.eduMelissa joined the lab in 2015, having graduated from Temple University, where she worked on genetic variation in deep sea corals in Erik Cordes' lab. She focused on genetic variation in the response of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) to temperature. She graduate with her M.S. in 2017. For more information, visit her website: http://melissakurman.weebly.com/

Zoë Scott
Masters Student
Contact Info:
zoe.scott.923@my.csun.eduZoë graduated from the University of California Santa Barbara with a B.S. in Aquatic Biology. Her childhood love for the ocean grew into a desire to study how local adaptation in invasive species affects the ecology of the community, completing the feedback loop between the ecological and evolutionary forces acting on community structure. She completed her M.S. in 2017 and now works as a marine biologist for the City of San Diego.

Nickie Cammisa
Masters Student
Contact Info:
nicole.cammisa.331@my.csun.eduNickie graduated from Muhlenberg College, where she worked for three years in the environmental toxicology lab of Dr. Jason Kelsey. For her Masters project, Nickie examinined the role of phenotypic plasticity in shaping ecological and evolutionary processes at the community level. Nickie graduated with her M.S. in 2017 and is now pursuing her D.Env. in Environmental Science and Engineering at UCLA.

Shannon Bayliss
Masters Student
Contact Info:
shannon.bayliss.527@my.csun.eduShannon graduated from CSUN in 2016. Her thesis focused on the interplay between ecological and evolutionary processes. She examined how nutrient availability modifies the effects of species and genetic diversity on community performance in the symbiotic dinoflagellate, Symbiodinium. Shannon is a strong proponent of unconventional science communication and in the future hopes to extend the broader impacts of her research to a larger audience through photography and other creative mediums. She is now a graduate student in Joe Bailey's lab at University of Tennessee. As she graduated CSUN, Shannon received the Bianchi Award for Outstanding Graduate Student from the Biology Department.

Erica Holdridge
Former M.S. student
Contact Info:
erica.holdridge.776@my.csun.eduFor her master’s thesis, Erica utilized pitcher plant inquiline communities to understand how factors related to global change (nutrient input and temperature) affect both ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Moreover, she examined how evolution of protozoan traits affected the bacterial communities they consume. She is now a PhD student in David Vasseur's lab at Yale. As she graduated CSUN, Erica received the Bianchi Award for Outstanding Graduate Student from the Biology Department and the Mack Johnson Award for Outstanding Graduate Student from the College of Science and Math.

Alejandro Flores
Undergraduate Student
Contact Info:

Emma Collosi
Research Technician
Contact Info:
Emma graduated from the Biology Department at CSUN in 2016 and is now a graduate student in Jeanne Robertson's lab.

Cameron Winbush
Undergraduate Student
Contact Info:
Cameron worked as an undergraduate in the lab in 2014-2015.

Katie Wong
Undergraduate Student
Contact Info:
Katie was a Kinesiology major at CSUN and worked in the lab in 2015-2016. She graduated from CSUN in 2017.

Sam Fleischer
Undergraduate Student
Contact Info:
Sam was a math major at CSUN and graduated in 2015. In collaboration with Dr. Jing Li (CSUN Math Dept.), Sam worked on a quantitative genetics model to examine ecological and evolutionary dynamics among competitors. He used this model to examine whether evolution stabilizes ecological dynamics in this system. Sam is currently a PhD student with Sebastian Schrieber at UC Davis.